Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December CHRISTMAS Art-Walk
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November 2010 Artwalk
of Cuculapraline - Frenchic
on Saturday November 13th, 2010
at 4704 Eagle Rock Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90041,
Some new stuff and Xmas goodies are arriving everyday,
You will get 10% off if you come with this invitation,
or if you just say : "special 10% for Cuculapraline' s friends !"
And if you buy at least 3 different things, you will also get 10% on your next purchase !
We hope to see you there !!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Yael is flipping over everything in Cuculapraline-Frenchic store.
New Stuff to come soon ! Think of us for your Christmas presents !
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
When Etsy and Facebook meet !
I like unusual sizes of Bags, and that's what I tried to do with this one which is perfect to carry a small bottle of water (very important in Los Angeles !)
The "coquelicot" is the poppy flower in French.
I hope to see you soon at
4704 Eagle Rock Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90041
Thursday, September 9, 2010
BIRTHDAY Party On Eagle Rock Boulevard !
Hope to see you all for MY BIRTHDAY PARTY on SATURDAY Evening, September the 11th, THIS SATURDAY, FOR THE ARTWALK also, at my little boutique
We will be there from 6 pm to Midnight and even more maybe. Cake and beverages ! Ron will DJ the party with a very special Frenchy music, in the pure Ron Kane's style. See you soon as many as possible ! No present required, just yourself !
Monday, June 14, 2010
Art or Craft ?
Recently I have been told that we couldn't mix Art and Craft, that Art needed to be watched without distraction, while Craft was a kind of distraction.
I was naive enough to think that we were far, far away from these has-been kinds of considerations and distinctions.
After all, Picasso used to make crafts, which became art, because it was made by Picasso, Klee used to make puppets in papier mache for his young son, which are now exhibited as art works, Matisse was wondering if paintings shouldn't be used in decoration, and I would have loved to see Rothko paint my own walls, since I love the blurry style.
And what should we say about the Andy Warhol' s screen printings ?
So, it seems we are still there, in that kind of distinction...
I thought that Art was where the sacred and the fun met, while showing the artist's thoughts and soul, without caring for the media employed ?
I must say that sometimes, I don't even know myself if I am doing art or craft !
Maybe it depends on the intention we put in our work ?
But sometimes also, I think I am just making craft and at the end, I find myself with a piece of art without understanding how it could happen !
In my store, a customer was watching one of my many scrapbooks, and told me it was a piece of Art. Actually, I would say it is a piece of me, but if it is artful, good for me !
And do we need to be a jerk to be an artist ?
I like happy art, does it mean I am not an artist ?
Whatever... I think art should make the artist feel better and happier, and that's what I feel when I work on my art, so who cares what people think ?
As long as we are happy, as we have the feeling to have made something necessary for ourselves, that's the most important, I believe.
An artist should be sincere and true to himself. He shouldn't follow trends just because it's cool.
Actually a true artist makes the trend without even noticing it.
I think art is everywhere, some people would just need to learn how to look at it more closely.
And I think a true artist should also learn tolerance towards the other kinds of expressions. After all, despising the other artists around, is the best way to close the doors forever...
That was my thought of the day.
By the way, I glued my wallpaper and it is exciting too !
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
JUNE ARTWALK on Saturday 12th
Craig Casey and myself are inviting all of you for our June Artwalk
4704 Eagle Rock Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90041 USA
Saturday, June 12th 2010 from 6:00 pm to midnight (yes !)
- I will prepare myself some French amuse-gueules (amuse-bouches) to amuse your mouth, served with French red wine and other beverages.
- My friend Craig Casey who is settling in the place has invited the artist Spencer Elden who works on canvas, wood, and with stencils
and the DJ Tony Watson to amuse your ears.
We would be really very glad to have you with us !
xoxo to you all !
Hello tout le monde a l'autre bout de la terre,
Craig Casey et moi-meme serions vraiment tres heureux de vous avoir tous samedi prochain 12 juin pour notre Artwalk de ce mois, de 18h a minuit, chez
Cuculapraline-Frenchic et Percussion Art
4704 Eagle Rock Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90041 USA
- Je vais preparer moi-meme de mes blanches mains des petits amuse-gueules a la francaise pour amuser votre bouche, accompagnes de vin rouge et autres boissons en tous genres.
- Mon ami Craig Casey qui s'installe dans la place, a invite l'artiste Spencer Elden qui travaille sur toile, sur bois et a l'aide de pochoirs, ainsi que le DJ Tony Watson pour amuser vos oreilles.
Je sais bien que la plupart d'entre vous ne peuvent etre la, mais je vous promets de vous envoyer des photos prochainement, faute de pouvoir vous faire gouter mes amuse-gueules !
Toutes mes pensees vont vers vous !
Bises a tous,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
We have seen the arrival of very original, almost weirdo things in our Store, but you know how we like the one-of-a-kind special things
Like this Chair for example, I should say this "High Chair" since the back is so high, I would perfectly imagine it in an old English castle. It needs a few small repairs, and a good fabric cleaning, someone maybe will re-upholster it with a newer fabric, but so far, we will live with it, just like that. A nice find made by our friend Craig Casey.
And what do you say of this funny Dog Lamp ?
What do you think of this incredible crumpled lampshade ? I think I have never seen something so ridiculous, but I absolutely LOVE it, it is sooooooo cute. A find from Japan.
Then, I had to prepare my sign for our last Artwalk.
I painted it under the sun, I burnt a little but, voila ! Here is the result :
Then, we prepared our Buffet, as you can see, Laszlo seems to appreciate it a lot !
And I send you a few picks of the store itself :
We brought new Basket bags also, the exotic one, the poetic one and the secret one :
We found a new Lamp in the very 60's-70's style, look at it :
Finally, I couldn't prevent myself to put a touch of Recycling in our new window installation :
More precisely, this :
And what would be these days, without a few white flowers given by my younger son for Mother's Day ?
I precise my elder one, who is in Tokyo, found the way to call me in spite of the difference of time.
So here are the flowers, cute isn't it ?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The sun is coming back, and the fun too !

Our animals, the raccoon and the bear, are laughing in the garden,
while I decided to display new shoes, which are vintage actually, but new in our store.
You will have just samples on these photos, but come and check out all the different kinds we have, and gorgeous boots as well, all made in the finest leather from the "chicest" French boutiques of Paris, France.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Treasures from Siecle, Paris, salt and pepper holders in gold and silver platted.
Tresors venant de chez Siecle, Paris, saliere et poivriere en plaque or et argent.
On a rocking bench, here are a Chinese blue rug, vintage pillows from the 60's-70's from England, cute cats and dogs pillows, the red one is named "Scottie", a dyed green bedspread and a crocheted one in gorgeous colors.
Sur un "rocking-bench"(banc a bascule), voici un tapis Chinois bleu, des coussins vintage des 60's - 70's d'Angleterre, des coussins chats et chiens, le rouge s'appelle "Scottie", un jete de lit teint vert et un autre crochete dans des couleurs superbes.
My lacquered shells, if you have some, don't throw them away, and send them to me, I will lacquer them.
Mes coquilles Saint Jacques laquees, si vous en avez, ne les jetez pas, et envoyez les moi, je les laquerai.
:Louise Marler's prints, Paints by Number of Cats and Dogs, stained French flags from Paris and a white flowers from "I cost nothing".
Les impressions de Louise Marler, les "Paints by Number" de chats et chiens, des drapeaux francais patines venant de Paris and une fleur blanche venant de "Je ne coute rien".
Here more mini bags made with Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic fabrics.
They have been made by a wonderful seamstress, I added some sequined appliques or knitted brooches that I made.
Voici plus de mini sacs faits avec des tissus Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic. Ils ont ete fabriques par une merveilleuse couturiere, j'y ai ajoute des appliques de sequins ou des broches tricotees que j'ai faites.